How to disable Android Bloatware?

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No matter which brand of Android device you choose, from Samsung to OnePlus, almost all of them are guilty of containing a few examples of bloatware. Bloatware means apps or services added by the manufacturer or carrier which take up memory and processing power on a device. Unless you want to root your device, removing bloatware is not possible. However, it is possible to disable Android Bloatware.

Application Settings to disable Android Bloatware:

The exact location of the map settings will vary between devices. However, you should always look for Applications, App management, or App Settings. Here is the process that you should follow to disable Android Bloatware.

  • When disabling bloatware, don’t be fooled into thinking that just because you don’t use a particular app or service that is not essential to your device. Removing essential apps or services may cause a problem with how your device works. It is therefore important that you understand exactly what you’re disabling before you disable it.
  • The best way to disable Android bloatware is to disable one app at a time. Once you disabled an app, check that your device is still working as you should before you go ahead and remove the next bit of bloatware. This makes the removing bloatware process more laborious but reduces the risk of disabling something important by mistake.

Steps to disable Android bloatware:

  • To actually begin the disabling process, open the main settings app on your device and look for Application Manager. This may be in the main settings list under Apps or, on some older devices, under the More tab option. The Application Manager is a great tool for viewing exactly what apps are running at any given time.
  • Tap Application Manager and swipe across the screen to the left. This will reveal the different application categories (downloaded, on SD card, and all). To find bloatware, go to the All Tab.
  • When you find an app or service that you think you would like to disable, tap on the name. If the app or service is not bloatware, you will see an uninstall button next to the Force Stop button.
  • When you find a bloatware app or service, the Uninstall button will say Disable instead. Some essential system services such as the camera app will have the disable button greyed out so it cannot be used.
  • Click Disable on the bit of bloatware you want to stop. A warning will appear to tell you that completing this action may cause some apps to work incorrectly or not at all. Disabled apps will not appear in the app drawer.
  • As a general rule, any app or service that should not be disabled will have an Android icon next to the name in the application manager. If you disable something by mistake, a restart of your device will often fix the error.
  • When you finish disabling the bloatware you no longer want to have running, you may need to reboot your device for the icons to be removed from the home screen and main app drawer. It is best to perform a hard reset for a full reboot.

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