Meditation: What is it, benefits, and how to start

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Over the years, all generations including the Millennials and Gen Zs, have faced issues regarding focus, and concentration. It has been shown that meditation reduces anxiety, stress, and depression, as well as improving cognitive function and overall well-being. By practicing meditation regularly, you can cultivate a greater sense of awareness, compassion, and emotional regulation. Our article today will illustrate some of the various benefits of meditation, as evidenced by several studies.

What is Meditation?

Before learning about its importance and benefits, one must understand what meditation actually is. A meditation practice involves developing a calm, clear state of mind by focusing the mind on a specific object or thought. In addition to its mental benefits, it has been shown to have numerous physical benefits as well. In most meditation techniques, you sit or lie down in a quiet and comfortable space, focus on your breath or a particular object, and bring your attention back to it when your mind wanders.

To learn different techniques and deepen their practice, many people join a meditation group or take a class. Moreover, incorporating this practice into daily life can help keep the mind and body calm and balanced, and have a profound impact on one’s mental and physical health.

What are the Benefits of Meditation?

Through meditation, one can achieve both physical and mental health benefits. Some of them are as follows-

  • Reduces stress & anxiety

Stress and anxiety can be alleviated by meditation by reducing levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Plus, individuals who practice regularly are able to cope better with stressful situations and experience a reduction in anxiety symptoms.

  • Improves mental clarity & focus

In addition to improving attention, concentration, and memory, meditation can also enable you to make better decisions and solve problems more effectively.

  • Improves physical health

A lower risk of chronic health conditions can be associated with meditation because it lowers blood pressure, improves immune function, and reduces inflammation.

  • Enhances emotional regulation

By meditating regularly, individuals are able to become more aware of their emotions and develop their ability to regulate their emotions. As a result, they become more resilient and emotionally stable.

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How to Start Meditating?

A meditation practice can do wonders to your mental and emotional well-being. Here are some steps to get started with meditation-

  • If you want to start meditating, set aside a specific time. Also choose a specific place where you can sit quietly without any interruptions.
  • You can either sit or lie down according to your preference. Put your feet flat on the ground and sit on a cushion or chair with your back straight.
  • Pay attention to your breath. As the breath enters and leaves your body, close your eyes and focus on how it feels. Breathe naturally and without effort.
  • Feel free to think about anything you want. Meditation naturally leads to your mind wandering. So, bring your attention back to your breath whenever you notice your mind wandering.
  • It is best to start small. Meditation should be started slowly and gradually increased as you become more comfortable with it.
  • Take advantage of guided meditations. Several apps and websites offer guided meditations, which can help beginners get started.
  • Do keep a consistent attitude and be patient. Being patient and practicing consistently are necessary for cultivating a meditation practice.

How to Make Mindfulness a Habit?

It does take a bit of effort and persistence to make mindfulness a habit, but it is definitely worth the effort. Here are some tips that may help-

  • Set a regular time for your practice

Try to stick to the time that works for you. Establish a daily mindfulness routine to help you become more mindful.

  • Use reminders

You can place reminders in your phone or around your home to remind yourself to practice mindfulness. Staying on track and incorporating mindfulness into your daily life can be made easier with these reminders.

  • Find a buddy

Engage in mindfulness practice with a friend or family member who is also interested in mindfulness. As a result, you will both be held accountable and the practice will be more enjoyable.

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Apps that can help you Meditate?

There are many apps available that can help you with your meditation practice. Here are a few popular ones:

  • Headspace– It is a well-known app that offers guided mindfulness exercises that can help you with stress, anxiety, stress, and sleep.
  • Calm– Calm is another popular app that allows you to customize your meditation with different background sounds.
  • Insight timer– Timer is a free app that allows you to set a custom meditation session length.
  • 10% Happier– It has a feature that allows you to track your progress and set reminders for your practice.
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