We have been using Google for years. We can find the answer to almost every question on Google, but sometimes it takes a lot of time. So, to make your search more accurate and less time-consuming you can use these simple Google search tricks.
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Trick 1- Search with exception:
Very often we search for something and want to exclude some specific brand name, product name, or word from the result. If you want to do so, then you can follow this Google search trick.
Just type what you want to search then put the minus sign and write the exception or any brand name, product name, or word that you do not want in the results.

Eg: latest phones -Samsung. It will exclude Samsung and show every other latest phone.
By using this trick, you will be able to the results excluding the exception you have provided.
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Trick 2- Word that must be in the results
If you want your search results must include a particular word, then you may be pleased with this trick.
To do so, type whatever you want to search and then put the word you must need in your result in single inverted commas (‘word’).
By using this trick you will get the results in which the word you have written in the inverted commas will be focused more and all the results will be relevant and include that specific word.

For example, if you search for Best places to visit in India ‘Tajmahal’, you will see that the results that appear will include Tajmahal (the word we have more focused on).
Trick 3- Filter out your results
It happens a lot we are writing about some latest technology-like stuff and end up writing the older data. To avoid such things, you can use this trick of filtering results. By using this, you will be able to search according to the time period.

To get a personalized search based on the time period. Search for anything and click on the ‘Tools’ button located below the search bar. Now, click on ‘Any time’ and select the time period according to you. For instance, if you want recently published articles or data, then select ‘past hour’ or ‘past 24 hours’. This will bring all the latest published or edited results.
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Trick 4- Search images with a particular size and color
Let’s say, you are preparing for a presentation and need some images that will match the theme you have set. So, instead of entering the title of the image and searching for the image of a particular color in the results, why not follow this simple trick?

To search images with a particular color, follow this trick. First, locate the ‘Tools’ button and click on that. Now, you will be able to see multiple options slightly below the search bar. Tap on the ‘Color’ option and select the color of your choice. After doing so, all the images that appear will be of the color or similar to the color you have chosen you have chosen.
With the same trick, you can select the size, time, usage right, and type of image.
Trick 5- Find similar websites
Suppose, you are searching for websites that will let you download high-resolution images for free, you can get more similar websites in the result if you follow this trick.

Use this trick to search for a website that works similarly to another website. Such as, if you type Related: www.pixabay.com, the results will include all the sites that are alike Pixabay.
Simply, If you have the name of the website and want to find websites similar to that one, then this trick will help you out.
Also Read: 20 Google tips and tricks to search efficiently
Trick 6- Find many keywords from one keyword
Now, this short trick is extremely powerful for SEO purposes. By using this trick you can actually unveil more mostly searched keywords by just entering one keyword.
To find more search keywords or to expose the hidden keywords by using this simple trick, type your keyword, then put an underscore(_) and space before the text, you can see the suggestions now appear to have some other words at the beginning. These are some other related keywords that people search for along with the main keyword you have provided.

For instance, your main keyword is stress management. Now, type “_ stress management”, and you will be able to see what other people search along with the main keyword you have provided.
You can also place underscore(_) and space in between the text to find other hidden keywords.
Trick 7- Find free research papers
If you are a student and want to write a research paper, then use one of these Google search tricks. By using this trick you can find research papers and publications on the topic you have searched for.

Type www.scholar.google.com in the search box. Here, you will be able to find a lot of publications or papers that you can use as a reference to write yours. You can also filter your search according to the time period.
Scholar.google.com is a different search corner that is quite helpful for students.
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