How to deal with spam in Gmail?

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If you find that spam emails are being displayed with your other emails, you can do several things to remove these unwanted messages and to improve detection. So let us go ahead and see how you can deal with spam in Gmail.

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But first, do you need to worry about spam emails?

The answer to this question is yes, spam emails are best avoided. Junk or spam emails are unsolicited/requested messages sent in bulk by email.

Most spam emails are commercial in nature and are harmless. However, some can be dangerous because they may contain links that lead to a phishing website that is hosting malware.

With this in mind, it’s always best to approach spam with caution, and the following guide will help you to deal with spam in Gmail.

What is Phishing? 

Phishing is the process of trying to find private information such as PIN numbers, passwords, and user names by trickery. Sometimes, spammers create fake websites like a well-known bank's login page, asking to confirm your login, etc. When you enter your email and password on one of these pages, the spammer records your information and keeps it. 

So if you get messages that seem like an attempt to get your personal information, click Report Phishing from the message options menu to help Gmail and Google learn about such attempts. 

Step to report and remove spam:

  • Removing spam from your inbox is easy. Click on the message you want to remove and look for the “!” button above the message box. Clicking this will remove the spam message and report it to Google.
  • To remove the spam that is collecting in the spam mailbox, click the mailbox and then click “Delete all spam messages now”.
  • If you see any message in the spam mailbox which has been moved incorrectly (i.e. non-spam mail). You can correct it by selecting it and clicking Not Spam from the options above.

Create Filters to deal with spam in Email:

Another way to deal with unwanted emails is to set up a filter. (particularly if you’re getting lots of emails from one particular address).

  • Open the inbox and find a message from the contact you want to filter. Then click on the message to open it. Click on the More button to the right of the buttons above the message. Select Filter Messages Like These from the menu.
  • A box will appear in which the email address of the sender will be entered automatically. You can add extra triggers to the filter such as certain words or recipient addresses. Next, click Create filter with this search.
  • Now you can decide what to do with messages that trigger this filter. There are numerous options. For this purpose, choose to Delete it. Click Create filter to finish.

Protect your Email address:

One of the best ways to ensure that spam does not become a hurdle in your life is to protect your email at all times. A few things that lead spam in your way are entering your email address onto websites that you don’t trust fully, or posting it on blogs and forums.

Automated software (bots) scan through millions of web pages to find email addresses, which are then used by spammers to flood your inbox.

I hope this article has helped you and if it did then do let me know in the comments down below. Also, if you’re interested in similar articles then here are a few recommendations for you guys.

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