Windows 11 shortcut keys cheat sheet

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When working on a Windows 11 computer, keyboard shortcut keys make our life much simpler. These hotkeys help you get things done faster and more efficiently, whether you need to access settings, move through directories, or switch between tabs and windows. Furthermore, hotkeys come in handy when your mouse or pointer is not functioning for any reason. So, in this article, we will compile a comprehensive list of Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts. 

If you, like us, like using keyboard shortcuts, this list is quite useful. Furthermore, most of these hotkeys are also relevant to Windows 10. 

Also see: Ways to reduce data usage in Windows 10

General And Popular Shortcut keys For Windows 11

Shortcut Actions 
Ctrl + A Selects all selectable contents on the current screen 
Ctrl + Z Undo the recent action(s) 
Ctrl + Y Redo the action you have undone 
Ctrl + C Copies the items you have selected 
Ctrl + X Cuts the items you have selected 
Ctrl + V Pastes the items you have copied or cut 
Win + Tab Opens Task View to view all open tasks or windows 
Alt + Tab Allows users to switch between the running applications 
Win + D Allows users to switch back and forth from the desktop 
Alt + F4 Shuts the active app or window; or, if you are on Desktop, opens the power options 
Win + L Locks computer and display the Lock screen 
Alt + Page Down Move down one screen (Used to go down faster) 
Alt + Page Up Move up one screen (Used to go up faster) 
Alt + Right arrow Goes to the next screen; if you are on the web, goes to the next webpage if you had gone back 
Alt + Left arrow Goes to the previous screen; if you are on the web, goes to the previous webpage you had opened on the tab 
F10 Bring down the menu bar of the current Window/ program 
F5 Refreshes the active screen 
Ctrl + S Save the current file 
Ctrl + Shift + S Save As function- lets the user save a copy of the current file at the specified location 
Windows 11 shortcut keys

Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 11 

Furthermore, there are a slew of new hotkeys accessible exclusively in Windows 11. We may investigate additional special Windows 11 shortcuts in the future, but for now, these are the ones we have discovered.: 

Shortcut Actions 
Win + W Opens the Widget Pane that shows the weather forecast, local news, your calendar, etc. 
Win + A Pops up the Quick access menu that helps you manage Focus Assist, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Brightness sliders, and such settings 
Win + Z Help organize apps 
Win + N Brings up all the unaddressed notifications 
Windows 11 shortcut keys

Desktop/Virtual desktop Shortcut keys for Windows 11

Here are a few common desktop related shortcuts – 

Shortcut Actions 
Win + Ctrl + D Allows users to add a new virtual desktop 
Win + Ctrl + F4 Closes down the currently active virtual desktop 
Win key + Ctrl + Right arrow Switch or toggle between the virtual desktops you have created towards the Right 
Win key + Ctrl + Left arrow Switch or toggle between the virtual desktops you have created towards the Left 
CTRL + SHIFT while dragging icon or file Create a shortcut 
Win + S or Win + Q Opens the Windows Search 
Windows 11 shortcut keys

File Explorer Windows 11 shortcut keys list 

Users frequently go through File Explorer therefore, this section lists all the shortcuts you can use in the app that allow you to navigate through the program, subfolders, and tools smoothly. 

Shortcut Actions 
Win + E Launches the File Explorer 
Ctrl + E Puts cursor in the search box in the file explorer 
Ctrl + N Opens a new window of the program 
Ctrl + W Close active Explorer window 
Ctrl + M Enables the mark mode 
Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Changes the file or the folder view 
Ctrl + Shift + E Expands all the sub-folders available in the navigation pane 
F6 Allows you to switch between panes 
Alt + D Selects the address bar in the File Explorer 
Ctrl + Shift + (Any numbers) 1-8 Changes the folder view 
End Move to the bottom of the window that is currently active 
Alt + P Display the preview panel 
Alt + Enter Opens the Properties for the selected item 
F4 Goes to address bar 
Num Lock + plus (+) Expands the drive or folder you have selected 
Num Lock + Minus (-) Collapse the drive or folder you have chosen 
Alt + Right arrow Shifts to the next accessible folder 
Alt + Left arrow Goes to the previous folder 
Alt + Up arrow Switch back to the parent folder the folder was in 
Home Moves to the top of the currently active window 
Windows 11 shortcut keys

Command Prompt shortcut keys 

Several advanced Windows 11 users use Command Prompt frequently to execute tasks. If you are one of those people who love to get tasks done through command lines, the following shortcuts would be quite useful. 

Also see: Life PowerUser Organizer (LiPO)

Shortcut Actions 
Ctrl + Home Scrolls up to the very top of the current Command Prompt window 
Ctrl + End Goes to the bottom of CMD window 
Ctrl + A Selects everything on the current line 
Shift + Up Moves the cursor up one line and select the texts along 
Shift + down arrow Puts the cursor down one line and select the text in between as well 
Up or Down arrow keys Cycles through commands passed in the current session 
Left or Right arrow keys Move cursor left or right in the current 
Shift + Home Move your cursor to the start of the current line 
Shift + End Move your cursor to the end of the current line 
Ctrl + Up arrow Move the screen up one line in the output history 
Ctrl + down arrow Move the screen down one line in the output history 
Windows 11 shortcut keys

Shortcuts to use with Accessibility Keyboard 

Accessibility Keyboard is a useful feature available in newer Windows versions. If you are using this attribute repeatedly, you might want to check out the compilation of the below shortcuts for accessibility keyboard. 

Shortcut Actions 
Win + U Launches Ease of Access Centre 
Ctrl + Alt + D Enables the docked mode in Magnifier 
Ctrl + Alt + M Allows users to cycle through different views in Magnifier 
Ctrl + Alt + L Switches to Magnifier lens mode 
Win + plus (+) It Starts Magnifier and lefts you Zoom in 
Ctrl + Alt + mouse scroll Allows users to zoom in or out using mouse 
Win + minus (-) Zooms out the Magnifier 
Ctrl + Alt + R Resizes the lens 
Ctrl + Alt + up arrow keys Pan upwards in Magnifier 
Ctrl + Alt + down arrow keys Pan downwards in Magnifier 
Ctrl + Alt + left arrow Pan to left in Magnifier 
Ctrl + Alt + right arrow Pan to right in Magnifier 
Press Shift five times Turn on or off Sticky Keys 
Left Alt + left Shift + PrtScr Enable or disable High Contrast 
Win + Enter Opens Narrator to start text to speech feature 
Win + Ctrl + O Launches on-screen keyboard 
Win + Esc Exits out of Magnifier 
Windows 11 shortcut keys
Thank You For Reading 
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