Recently, Telegram and Twitter announced their paid subscriptions for users who want to access the exclusive features. Snapchat is also planning for a subscription plan for Snapchat users.
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The new paid version of Snapchat-Snapchat Plus is under work. It will provide users with early access to features and tools. Snapchat is a whole-packed app with excellent camera filters, spotlight feature like Instagram’s reels and of course chat.

Alessandro Paluzzi, a mobile developer and a reserve engineer, reported about Snapchat Plus on Twitter. This Snapchat subscription plan is under testing internally. According to some reports, the company will charge 4.59 Euros for a month, or 4.99 Euros annually.
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Snapchat is a popular social media app like Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook. But, it is quite different from the other social media apps. However, Snapchat isn’t the first to bring a paid subscription plan for users. Recently Telegram announced bringing a paid plan for its users. This Telegram premium will increase the limit of chat and media uploading for subscribed users. Read the full news about Telegram premium.
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While Twitter’s Blue service is also introduced in 2021 for Australian and Canadian users. The features of Twitter’s blue service include the Bookmark folder, undo tweet, and a reader mode. The monthly subscription is $3.49 CAD or $4.49 AUD.
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