Gang of Four Design Pattern Summary

Design Patterns are like quick recipe of software design. This page represents a Cheat sheet or Gang of Four Design Patterns summary. What are Design Patterns? A Design Pattern is a reusable solution to common Software Engineering problems. We can compare it with recipe. Suppose we want to cook a particular dish, simply get its … Read more

Task prioritization quadrants

Test prioritization Quadrants

We get a lot of things to do in our life. However, we simply don’t have enough time to do everything. This is where task prioritization quadrants are important. There are many methods to prioritize the tasks and ensure every important task finishes on time. In this note, we will discuss one such method, the … Read more

Fixing WordPress-MySQL issue with Swap

Fixing MySQL issue on Digital Ocean

On KAPsNotes, we were facing a weird WordPress-MySQL issue. Our WordPress site was going down frequently. Here is a quick fix by introducing Swap. Background KAPsNotes was going down frequently. Although issue was automatically getting fixed in 10-15 minutes, it was annoying for two reasons: Site is down which is a huge issue in itself. … Read more

What are SMART Goals?


Goals are small steps to reach the final objective. Setting goals is necessary if you really want to be successful. People often set goals that are not achievable and end up with zero progress. You might have heard about smart goals. In this article, we will discuss Smart Goals, and how to set them. What … Read more

JavaScript Crash Course; const keyword


Welcome to the JavaScript Crash course; const keyword. In this article, we will understand the basics of new ‘const’ keyword in ES6. Important note: This post is the part of ES 6+ crash course / Modern JavaScript Refresher. Please click here to check other articles of the series. The ‘const’ keyword was introduced in Java Script with ES 6, … Read more

10 must-read books for a Software Engineer

10 must read books for Software Engineers

There are many good resources available for Software Engineers. Resources like YouTube, Blogs, Online courses, Podcasts, etc made acquiring new skills very easily. When it comes to sharpening your basic concepts, books are still one of the best choices. In the rapidly changing technology world, finding good books, which are not obsolete, is not easy. … Read more